Y'all this week was incredible!!
Before I begin I will share the transfer news for my last hoorah. President called me several days before so I have been able to mentally prepare luckily! So Elder Woody and I are staying here in Kenner together to continue to churn some butter, but we are adding another elder. Looks like I will be finishing it out in a trio! We are bringing in an elder that goes home with me, Elder Bailey. This is going to be interesting and definitely a challenge, but I know that with the Lord on my side I can do it! I pray for his strength and help. Bless Elder Woody's heart though, killing two birds with one stone. I am humbled with the additional responsibility, but am a little nervous. All I know is that I won't be holding back on the throttle so here we go! A wise man once said, "You can come willingly or unwillingly." (this was in reference to the family thanksgiving turkey bowl, but I have seen it apply to many things :D) Haha just kidding it will be great! Also, my boy Elder Hoopes is coming down and will be in the district to finish up so I am way stoked about that!
I forgot to mention earlier, but our man Taysom Hill who is playing for the Saints lives in New Orleans and actually just got called as the ward mission leader over there in the ward I started at. Of course I missed him dogonit! Him and Manti Te'o are in the New Orleans ward. Bummer I missed him, but anyways he is in this area! So on Sunday night Taysom Hill and his wife Emily were having a Stake youth/young adult fireside at the church. Michael Dailey loves the saints and was so excited about this event. We brought him with us, and made sure to get some pics. I told Taysom, "We better get a picture so I can send it to Grandpa Longmore." He laughed, agreed, and also asserted that President Longmore is the man. Honestly a great devotional as they shared about overcoming trials and always putting trust in the Lord no matter what.
A Little culture: We headed over to Downtown NOLA for P day last week and had a good ole time jamming out to the Jazz music on the streets, hitting the street car, having beignets, and browsing the french market shops. Home sweet home over there where I started. Just over the riverbend!
Our guys Patrick Orange and Michael Dailey both were able to attend the baptism, and seemed to love it. It has been so cool and kinda funny the progression of these guys. Patrick's first Sunday he came in regular clothes, the next Sunday a white shirt and tie, and this Sunday a full suit. What a man! This Sunday Michael came in a fresh white shirt and tie as well, just looking fly. Patrick asked us after the baptism if he needed to purchase a jump suit. Haha who is this guy? We have been meeting with him several times a week and about ready to put him on date for baptism. He has been reading the Book of Mormon with his RM roommates every single night.
We have been teaching Brie Engle and her family, and it has been amazing to see them come back to church and help Brie prepare for her baptism. Sometimes the spirit just has to remind us. That has made me smile teaching her, reminds me of my younger sisters. It has been very great to see the progress in her mom as well as we have invited her to read and pray. The dad isn't a member and is pretty stand-offish, but is okay with them coming back. The Mom, Jessica, has been bringing her 2 daughters to church with her now though. It is honestly a miracle seeing the spirit and light change in their lives. Along with this though I want to share the miracle this week.
Miracle: I want to call it the miracle baptism. Even though every baptism is a miracle and have many leading up to it, this one was a special one. At the beginning of this transfer Elder Cannon and I came from other areas and had the idea to present for the 4 of us elders. As a quad we committed to find 100 new investigators and asked that in return for our efforts that we would be able to see and take part in the baptism of one of Heavenly Father's beloved children. We committed, put our Faith in the Lord, endured the struggles of finding at times, and expected a miracle. My testimony has only grown that God truly does provide and always keeps his end of the promise if we keep ours. We gave it our all and achieved our goal. And here we were, the last week in the transfer and a special girl, Brie Engle, was prepared by the Lord to be baptized. A miracle finding her so soon in the transfer. The process of teaching her and bringing her family back was truly amazing. Luckily for us she had been taught the lessons before, but many months before. As prepared as they come. And interesting enough Elder Israelsen one of the elders in our quad is going home this week, and actually participated in teaching Brie many months before. What a great way to leave the mission field right? He was able to baptize Brie his final week, and we all felt a huge part in the miracle. The lord has provided so many people that we have been teaching that I know will be ready here in the coming months, but He knew with the time allotted that we needed someone already prepared. He sent us where we needed to go. It was a miracle baptism and the spirit was so strong :) It was right after church on Sunday and Brie's Dad and her extended family all came. We are going to keep reaching out to them, and she will be confirmed next week in sacrament meeting.
I know that God answers prayers. He is there and loves us. He is willing and desires to make promises with us. How joyful He must be when we keep our promises. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and the path I have been able to walk with him. This time is precious to me.
Elder Wilson