Monday, May 15, 2017

MAY 15, 2017

Hey y'all, 

It was great talking with you yesterday for Mother's Day. Everyone looks like they are doing just Faaaaantastic!! Nate is still sprouting like a weed haha so that is good, and Mels is looking good with her contact lenses and braces :) I think Mother's day should be everyday of the year that is how special they are. Love you Mom!

Just a quick on this week, but it was a wonderful week! Our Muslim brothers are doing really great and coming right along. We are trying to help them as much as we can before they ship off to the Middle East. I just wanted to share one experience this week:

We were able to meet with George and Bentley this week and read in the Book of Mormon in Alma 7. As we read outside on their porch on the bayou, we could feel the spirit testify so strongly to their hearts. We read about Jesus Christ taking upon himself temptations of EVERY kind, pains, afflictions, in order to know how to succor his people according to our infirmities. It is amazing to see how we have only taught George a few things, but the spirit has taught him sooo much. He was able to answer so many of his older brother Bentley's questions. As we talked about the process of repentance and loosing those chains that hold us down. We all struggle with different things and that is the beautiful part about this life. It is up to us to find the light and the tool that allows us to break those bands. I bear testimony that I know that Jesus Christ is the way, the straight gate, the narrow path, and few there be that find Him. He reaches out to us everyday, but we must extend our arms just a bit to reach Him. He loves us and wants us to come unto Him. It was incredible to hear George extend the invitation for Bentley to be baptized with him. He said he would have to stop smoking first, but that is the great thing about repentance. It is a PROCESS. It starts with small change. I know that is true. Please keep them in your prayers, such a nice family.

Funny part of the story was when George was explaining to Bentley about how we believe in the Godhead being three separate beings, and how they were taught that they are the same. Bentley immediately said, "Yeah George, them being separate makes a whole lot more sense." haha it was awesome! It just all makes sense :)

Love y'all have a great week! Stay low and frosty. 

Elder Wilson